
Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

About 3 weeks ago I got my energy back ya’ll!  I thought I would never see the day when I didn’t feel like my tiny yet growing baby wasn’t sucking the life out of me, but in the words of Drake “started from the bottom now I’m here”!  If you are a new mom in the first trimester and feel like there is no end to the fog that is being newly pregnant, hang in there girl! So I have been considering this time as the “Sideline Socialite off-season”.  There is kind of a lull in sports, football is over, basketball is coming to an end, and baseball, although still relevant is less and less being considered as America’s favorite past time.  I am taking this time pre-football season to talk about life, travel, family, the end of basketball season, and prep for the upcoming football season.  In honor of my newly found energy I thought it was appropriate to share the sunniest, brightest look and kick off my summer style wardrobe.

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

If you know me or have read previous posts of mine, you know that the summer time is my  LEAST favorite season.  I am less than thrilled to be at the height of my pregnancy when I know that in Houston temps will easily reach 100+ degrees.  However, when you get an off the shoulder number like this in the most vibrant of yellows, you get a little happier about the summer and shaping your summer style!  I mean honestly! I love that this dress isn’t maternity and works with the bump BUT the best part is that it’s only $15!  Yes, you read that correctly.

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

I am beyond thrilled to be halfway through this pregnancy with my baby boy. I had a pretty rough time with nausea for about 4 1/2 months which was not true for my first pregnancy with Cami.  Along with that came a condition called ptyalism which is basically producing excessive saliva non-stop.  Although not painful it was extremely annoying and super weird!  Once I hit around 18 or 19 weeks it all went away and it literally felt like the clouds had lifted and the sun was shining.  I could think clearly and finally started enjoying being pregnant!  at 20 weeks we went to our final ultrasound and saw my little man (who was definitely 100% confirmed to have male parts) and it was everything to see him moving around in there. After my appointment I immediately started thinking about his nursery, and wardrobe, and where he will get his hair cut, and all the boy daydreams flooded in. It’s super easy to go buck-wild when clothes shopping for a baby before they are even born.  It’s sort of like you black out and next thing you know you are walking out of Target or Carter’s with a bag full of tiny clothing and you don’t know what happened until you get home and look at the long receipt!  I am super proud of myself because I walked out of the store with one item for baby boy.  A Star Wars tee.  When I showed Cameron he got choked up and our family of 4 became so real.

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

Summer Style Brights and 20-Week Bumpdate

This post contains affiliate links. All thoughts and opinions are my own.




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