The road to the NBA playoffs has been quite the buzz around my house. Mostly I just nod and smile and take another sip of my Angry Orchard while my husband tries to “engage” me in conversation about the underdog story that is/was OKC, but the NBA Finals are here none the less. The two teams that will be playing in the NBA Finals are The Golden State Warriors (who won it last year and is headed up by Steph Curry; more on why you need to know him here) and The Cleveland Cavaliers (which the name of that team really doesn’t matter, LeBron James IS the Cleveland Cavaliers and that’s what you need to know…Golden State vs. The LeBron’s should suffice. Here’s some good to know info on LeBron James right here). The NBA Finals can last up to 7 games long and are typically every other night, so ladies, we might be in for a long couple of weeks of highs, lows, and mood swings, and I am not talking about from your kids.
So I thought it was fitting to come up with this little guide to help you pick which team you should “go” for and let’s be honest, even if you do pretend to “watch” the game with your man while painting your nails, you aren’t really paying attention to NBA scores, who’s got the ball, who’s dunking on who, or who is in foul trouble and that’s Ok. You won’t need to know any of that with this simple formula to pick your NBA Finals winner. Answer these questions for yourself, and see who YOUR winner is (maybe don’t put money on it tho…)! Let’s go ahead have first things be first shall we…
1. Who Has The Hottest Starting Lineup?
To each his/her own but I am going to have to go ahead and go with The LeBron’s. I’ll give Golden State 1.5 points (1 for Steph Curry…those eyes tho, and a half point for Andre Iguodala for his style). But, The LeBron’s Take it with with 4 points (1 for Kevin Love who really should get two points because…look at him, 1 for Kyrie Irving, 1 for Tristan Thompson who low key looks like Usher+ Denzel, and 1 for LeBron…he’s alright, but he’s LeBron so he had to make the points list).
2.Who Has The Best Team Mascot?
(I’m a sucker for a good mascot, I was my high school mascot “Boomer”…Go BEARKATS!)
None…I don’t understand how there is not one person in the whole Bay Area that doesn’t want to get in a plush costume and dance around for money!
They Have Two!
Welp…no points for Golden State on this one and 2 for The LeBron’s (Cleveland Cavaliers)!
3. Who Has The Best Team Colors?
I have to say, I am a sucker for blue and gold because those were the colors of my elementary, middle school, AND high school (Go Bearkats!) So 1 point to you Golden State! YAY! You’re on the “board”!
4. Who Has The Better Looking Dance/Cheer Team?
GOLDEN STATE- The Golden State Warriors Dance Team
THE LEBRON’S- The Cavalier Girls
I try not to be a judgy girl when it comes to other girls, but hey, I do love a good pageant and a good reality show when a bunch of girls live in one house and compete for something. So I will be as gentle as possible when I say the team I am picking has the least orange skin, and most “diversity”. I have to give the point to Golden State…and that’s all I am going to say about that.
5. Who Has The Cooler City?
THE LEBRON’S- Cleveland, OH
Yikes. There’s not much to go on with this one. I can’t say that I have been to Oakland. I’ve been through it on may way to Napa, but it wasn’t a place where I wanted to stop and check out the “views”. Let’s see. You can see the Golden Gate bridge from there which is nice I guess. Oakland is on the other side of the San Francisco Bay so it’s a short trip to San Fran which is really fun and has lots of stuff to do. If Golden State played in San Fran then they would be the clear winner of this round…but…Oakland…
Then there is Cleveland. They have a few things going for them. The Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame, They are on the shores of one of the Great Lakes (I couldn’t tell you which one), and it’s a sports town which would be fun to catch a game every once in a while. So, I’m giving it to The LeBron’s on this one. Because although both are kind of lame, Cleveland is the least Lame.
So total it up! What was your score? I have Golden State at 3.5 Points and The LeBron’s at 7 points. Looks like I am going for the Cleveland Cavaliers! See, wasn’t that easy?! I am pretty sure my Husband, who actually looks at stats and points, and NBA scores, is going for Golden State so we will be a house divided on this one. Also…
Kevin Love again…
I am officially changing the name of The LeBron’s (formally known as the Cleveland Cavaliers) to The Kevin Love’s . The Kevin Love’s will be the NBA Finals Champions!