In my 35 years I have been to many-a baby shower. I have had 2 for my own babies, and I have hosted a handful myself. I have seen every theme under the sun and I have “ooo-ed” and “aww-ed” over the teeniest tiniest baby clothes out there! What I can tell you, as a former expectant mother, is that people don’t really get excited about getting the actual mother-to-be gifts. Everyone focuses on the gadgets and gizmos, and wardrobe for the bundle of joy but forgets about the less glamorous things like, nipple cream. August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month and I thought it would be a great opportunity to round up a few must-haves that would be the perfect gift for an expectant mother!
When you are in the throws of celebrating the coming arrival of someone’s new baby, stop to consider all the things the mom-to-be will go through postpartum. Why not make that transition a little easier with a few goodies just for her? To sweeten the deal Walmart is celebrating National Breastfeeding Awareness Month by offering deals on breast/feeding essentials through the month of August. In a recent conversation with my very pregnant sister-in-law, I shared with her some of the products that helped me through not only feeding but also for the caring for and protecting of my breasts. Just like that I clicked over to and shipped her off care package of breastfeeding essentials!
Breast Care Essentials
Quick Clean Wipes–
Man, these were a life-saver! For my daughter I exclusively pumped and there were days where it seemed like pumping and cleaning was all I did! When you pump a lot, you clean…a lot. When I discovered these wipes, it made cleaning and sanitizing the parts of my pump a heck of a lot easier. When I was on the go and not near a sink, these wipes allowed me to clean pump parts anywhere, any time.
Cooling Gel Pads–
Yes. Yes. Yes. These little gems I discovered with my second child soon after he was born. No one really tells new moms how painful your breasts will be (this is true if you are breastfeeding or not!). These magical gel pads stick to the nipples and the cooling gel feels amazing, especially when the mother is feeling engorged or raw.
Disposable Nursing Pads–
Leaking milk is going to happen. Having disposable nursing pads on hand, in the diaper bag, in your purse, and in the console of your car, is a must! For both kids I was an over producer and had to change my nursing pads several times a day in the beginning. A mom of a newborn will definitely appreciate having these on hand just in case.
Washable Nursing Pads–
These provide the same protection as the disposable ones but are more eco-friendly. These can be thrown in the washing machine and are great for moms who just need a little leak protection.
TheraPearl Breast Therapy–
Oh man. These may be my favorite thing on the list. My husband became an expert at heating these up in the microwave at just the right temperature for me when I needed them. These are super soothing when it comes to being engorged, in pain, or if she has clogged ducts. Another thing I loved about these were that they could be used while you are pumping or breastfeeding and it soothes while the job is getting done. Moms can use these over and over again as many times a day as she wants. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Feeding & Storage
Breastfeeding Starter Kit–
There are a lot of things that go into pumping and milk storage. Being an over producer I had milk bags EVERYWHERE with no organization. When I saw this starter kit, I knew this would be a perfect gift because it helps moms (and dads) keep the freezer milk stash organized. Man, I wish I knew about this when my kids were babies! This system also allows you to pump straight into the bag so that mom won’t have to worry about spilling any precious milk transferring from bottle to bag. How cool is that?!
Nursing Scarf–
Breastfeeding in public can be daunting to some however now-a-days it’s so low-key most people wouldn’t even notice it’s happening. I love the idea of making it a “fashion statement” with a good nursing scarf. Mom can unwrap it from around her neck and snuggle baby right on in to nurse.
This is a sponsored post, all thoughts and opinions are my own and products that I used on my own breastfeeding journey.