
3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant

This post contains sponsored material from Boppy.  Thank you Boppy for allowing me to keep my baby close no matter where we go.

When you find out that you are having a child, your mind can’t help but wonder about all the possibilities of what and who the child will be.  You also consider what kind of parent you will be (I always thought I would be the “good cop” but I was sorely mistaken, haha!)  I think, especially as a new mom you have these expectations of instantly falling in love with and connecting with your new born.  After having Cami, I found that to be untrue.  For a few weeks I was stunned that I just gave birth and now have to protect this child and I had no clue what I was doing!  I didn’t feel the mommy “warm and fuzzies” because I was terrified of not knowing what to do as a new parent. And you know what, that’s ok! Most of parenting is figuring it all out as you go. Once I came to terms with that, it made connecting with my child a lot easier.  Knowing what I know now, when it came to baby number two, I was able to quickly establish a connection with him and go with the flow.  Establishing a connection with Hendrix as early as possible was key for me and so I am sharing with you 3 ways to connect with your infant.

3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant Connect with your newborn, baby wearing

1. Baby Wearing

Establishing a connection right away with Hendrix was a lot easier for me because I made the decision to exclusively breastfeed.  I connect with him every 3 hours to nurse whether I like to or not, haha! Wearing him in a carrier is so extremely natural for he and I because he is used to being right there at chest level.  I jokingly refer to Hendrix as “my road dog” because daily I am tucking him away in my Boppy™ ComfyFit® Baby Carrier and we take to checking off my errands list. With the yoga apparel-inspired material and the added back support carrying Hendrix in my carrier is the most comfortable and easy option when I need to get things done, as opposed to lugging around a heavy car seat. My husband Cameron is a little different in regards to feeling connected with our son.  Because Hendrix is still so young getting giggles and smiles out of him takes some work! Cameron likes the age where you can toss the kid in the air or sneak attack tickle them and they think you are the greatest person in the world! Cameron also doesn’t have the bond that Hendrix and I do from nursing.  Fortunately baby carrying is an equal opportunity activity.  There are times where Cameron will secure Hendrix in the carrier and tackle his “honey-do’s” that way and that’s his special time to have Hendrix close for some male bonding time!

3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant Connect with your newborn, baby wearing

3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant Connect with your newborn, baby wearing

2. Singing To And Talking To Your Baby

I love singing to and talking to Hendrix.  When I do, you can see him quiet down and really listen to what’s going on.  Now that he is four months he has started cooing back and it’s the sweetest thing ever. Even his big sister Cami has caught on to the fact that it makes us connect with baby brother.  For Christmas we got Cami this Frozen microphone and at the drop of a hat she will sing “Let It Go” to her baby brother, audience of one!  The more gummy smiles he gives her, the louder she sings.

3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant Connect with your newborn, baby wearing

3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant Connect with your newborn, baby wearing

3.Establishing A Bath Time And Night Routine

I think bath time is Hendrix’s favorite time of day.  He loves a good warm bath and smiles and coos the whole time.  One great thing about being able to connect with him at his favorite time of day is that anyone can do it. Cameron can bathe him, sometimes we let Cami stand on her step-stool to lend a hand, and his grandparents can do it when they babysit.  It’s a great boding time because baby is relaxed but attentive.  Now that we are four months in, we have established a pretty good night routine with baby starting at 7PM.  You can do this to establish a good pattern with your baby and end the night with one last feeding for some more connection time.  If your baby is bottle fed, again, anyone can do it.  It’s the sweetest little time with baby to be feeding them while they drift to sleep.

3 Ways to Connect With Your Infant Connect with your newborn, baby wearing

I know at times it can be difficult to connect with a baby who can’t talk and has a limited range of emotions, but I am convinced that they are soaking any and everything up and want nothing more but to be close and to connect with you.

Thank you to Boppy for sponsoring this post, all thoughts and opinions are indeed my own.  For more information on the Boppy™ ComfyFit® Baby Carrier, visit their website or visit TargetBabies“R”Usbuybuy BABY and Amazon. Also check out this amazing video that will give you all the feelz!




    1. We are definitely a Boppy family. Cami lived in the Boppy lounger and Hendrix is living in the carrier! Love having him close to me :)

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