4 Ways to Survive The Toddler Transition
And just like that Hendrix is a full-blown toddler! It seems like it was just yesterday when I found out Hendrix was a boy. In a week Hendrix will be 2 and I find myself being sooooo cliché these days with thinking things like “where has the time gone” and “they grow up so fast”. Even though these sentiments are felt deeply, I am realizing I don’t have time to think about where the time has gone because I’m now in full-blown #toddlermom mode! Although my instinct is to look at Hendrix like he’s still my little baby, the reality is (and he has no problem telling me) he’s a “big boy.” Because this is my second go-around there are a few things that I can glean from Camilla’s toddler-hood and apply to her brother with these 4 reminders to help survive the toddler transition.