I have no idea when it happened. All of the sudden we woke up and my husband and I are plant people now. It started with one house plant. Maybe the fact that we had it for about 2 weeks and noticed it wasn’t dead yet gave us confidence to get more. All of the sudden we have more indoor plants than I can count! Our family moved in November and with the move we now became owners of massive gardens in both the front and back yards. With the combination of the indoor plants and the outdoor gardens I had no choice but to become fully invested and educated in gardening and yard work! Here are a few gardening tips I have learned along the way as well as a list of plants you won’t kill if you are thinking about getting into house plants.
Read the Labels and Know Your Zone
Half the battle when buying outside plants is knowing what grow zone you live in. Knowing your grow zone will let you know which plants will survive and which plants will keel over in your area’s climate. I am in zone 9A so when I search for outdoor plants, especially online, I only look for the plants that will thrive in that zone.
Also, read the tag that comes with plant. The tag tells you all kinds of helpful information, like if the plant needs to be planted in full sun or in the shade. It tells you how often it needs water, and also how tall and wide you can expect the plant to grow. The tag basically sets you up for success so that you won’t kill the plant.
Get Good Dirt
Good soil is really important no matter if it’s for an indoor plant or outdoor. This will set any plant up for success. I have learned the last few months that different soil can be used for different kinds of planting but the main thing I have learned is what a good soil mix should contain. Potting soil (choose the one best for whatever you are planning: flowers, succulents, veggies, etc.), pearlite (which helps your plant drain properly), and compost (literally buying crap but it will help your plants grow by leaps and bounds!) Once you have these things, mix them all together and start planting!
3 Plants You Won’t Kill…I Promise
My Sister -in-law is a house plant mama to the extreme. I have sent her many-a-text asking her questions because she’s just that good at taking care of indoor plants! When it comes to me and indoor plants I want low, low, low maintenance. There are a lot of places where natural light comes in at our house and some where the sun don’t shine. These 3 plants not only are adaptable no matter where you put them but some of them actually signal you when they need something. Neat, huh?
Snake Plant
Snake plants are tried and true ya’ll. We have a couple in our house both in low light areas as well as right by the light of a window. Both are doing equally well with very low maintenance. We may water them once a week but if we forget a week, no big deal. The snake plant is notorious for being easy and a perfect for a first time plant owner.
ZZ Plant
ZZ Plants are a lot like snake plants in that if you forget to water it, NBD. Super low maintenance but leafy. It can also be in low light or highly lit situations and do fine either way.
Pothos plants are great because they come in a variety of colors and patterns. They also vine so they are great to hang or put on top of a bookshelf. The pathos gives you signs that it’s ready for water by looking particularly droopy, such a great communicator, right?!
My friend, don’t be scared to get a plant or two. They are a great source of air purification and down-right pretty to look at! You can do this! You will feel really awesome when a year goes by and you realize your plant is still kickin’.