Halloween is right around the corner, which means so are the parties, festivals, and fairs. Part of the halloween festivities that my family has begun to anticipate are the trunk or treat events around our community. This year the Bertuzzi family is ready to go with our “Super Cario” theme while passing out chocolate gold coins to all the trick or treaters who visit our car! Check out our setup and my list of the 10 best trunk or treat ideas this halloween.
So, what is “Trunk or Treat” anyway? I am glad you asked! “Trunk or Treat” is an event that happens around halloween and is super popular in many communities. Many elementary schools, churches, local businesses, and community centers use trunk or treats an alternative or in addition to traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating. People decorate the trunks of their cars and gather in a parking lot or other designated areas to give candy and treats to children who go from car to car, similar to how they would go from house to house in traditional trick-or-treating.
Many people choose to go with a theme for their car and go as elaborate or as simple as they want. I love a good theme, and this year, the overwhelming response when my family took a vote was Super Mario Bros!
Since we already have our Super Mario Family Costumes ready to go, we plan on suiting up and handing out gold chocolate coins (like the ones Mario scores in the game) and a few other treats to all who visit our trunk.
Making the props for the Super Cario theme was really easy and fun to see come to life as I finished each character (the piranha plant was my favorite!) All of the supplies you need to make it happen can be found here.
Here is my list of the 10 BEST trunk or treat ideas if you are looking for a theme this season:
Super Mario Bros.
Harry Potter
Hocus Pocus
Sea Life
Candy Land
Star Wars or Avengers