So, Michael Phelps is out of retirement. Although I half way didn’t know he was retired because we only really care about him every 4 years. Michael Phelps will compete in his first meet “out of retirement” next week and this will pave the way for the 22-time olympic medalist to compete in the 2016 olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. I don’t know guys, if I were M-Phel I would want to quit while I was ahead. Some people just don’t know how to let it go…

So I guess Michael Phelps is going back on his 12,000 calorie-a-day diet. Just in case you forgot, his meals while training consist of:
- three fried egg sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions, and mayo
- one five-egg omelets
- a bowl of grits
- three slices of French toast with powdered sugar
- three chocolate chip pancakes
- two cups of coffee
- 1,000 calories worth of energy drinks,
- one pound of pasta with tomato sauce
- two large ham and cheese sandwiches (with mayo) on white bread
- six to eight slices of pizza
- another pound of pasta with tomato sauce
- 1,000 calories of energy drinks
And finally, can we as Americans stop trying to make Michael Phelps a heart-throb?! He doesn’t have it! Stop trying to make him have it.